Tuesday, 13 February 2007

xml email to christ

i went to see my, then new, friend's baptism in october (2006). it was at jubilee church in enfield, middx. one of the pastors was called adrian warnock. you couldn't forget him because he kept winking and smiling. ;)

sometime in november, i got bored one day when i was at work. i was getting interested in semantics around that time and admired the ambition for creating the semantic web. i decided to search the web on how feasible it would be to develop a "semantic email" application. if you think about it, we store a lot of information, and often files from attachments, that are important to us in our mailboxes. this information would be more useful if it were easier to search on to retrieve it.

i decided to Google search email AND xml (or xml AND email). i went through the results. one of the results in particular amused me. the page description read something like: "read the Bible by email or XML", the XML referring to RSS or ATOM feeds. i clicked on the link. it was a christian blog. whose photo should load on the page but that of the winky pastor from jubilee church! this was extremely spooky to say the least!

i decided to email adrian using the address displayed on the web page. he responded quite promptly and verified that he was indeed the pastor i had met in enfield weeks previously.

God works in mysterious ways!

1 comment:

Adrian Warnock said...

Hi James
Great to find your blog...May God continue to bless you in your walk with him!
Your brother,